Saturday, February 21, 2009

Snippets for February

The Glass House Mountains area of Queensland is very lush. I'd love to live there. Hi and big thanks to Angie, Mark and co. Mooloolabah is the first place for me to see loads of little fish swimming up against a rock wall. Wow. Ooooo. Greg and I were there while Melbourne was sweltering, buckling and burning in the 46.5 degree heat. I'm glad I missed it. Feeling pretty bad about the fires though. :(

Telstra pre paid dial up starter kits will not work with Linux because their CD can only work in certain versions of Windows/Mac and Telstra won't activate it over the phone. Bah.

Network manager 0.7 is cool! My Nokia N95 was easily detected as a modem. All I needed to do was set it to PC Suite mode, and stick in an APN of internet. Slow but handy.