Sunday, April 30, 2006

TO-DO List up for Grabs

* BAS for March Q
* Prepare for LUV Presentation (I have the report at least)
* Respond to heaps of emails
* Revise our linux user guide doc, convert back to OOO writer doc and include index
* Revise trainer documents, add front page, TOC...etc.
* Research Welcome to Country possibilities
* Banking/Invoicing
* Prepare for CVI meeting on May 15th
* Remind people of policy documents we are looking at
* Revise Volunteer Manual
* Do a backup of my ubuntu system
* Write/Add to Computerbank Ebay Seller/Shop Policy docs
* Find more bale/bulka bags for plastic recycling
* Write training plan on purple paper
* My tax!
* Write a beg letter to transport groups to get free/subsidised transport for volunteers
* Change Computerbank finance system from spreadsheet to accounting package (yuk!)

Then there is the stuff I have forgotten about, or have not listed.

If you can help with any of the above, drop me a line. :)

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Training day at Computerbank

Just thought I'd take the time to post about the training session we had at Computerbank today.

All of the trainees were newly arrived refugees (from three different countries). A bunch of really nice people/kids. Keen to learn and able to pick up Linux/KDE/Openoffice basics pretty quick.

One of the littlies found it a bit hard to cope with three hours of being quiet. Despite some of the hiccups (late arrivals, young children) our new and old trainers were able to deliver a great training session.

I helped a 10 year old. He was interested in the internet, games and word processing. He used MS Word at school. When I asked him if he thought OpenOffice Writer was similar he replied it was the same to him. We experienced a problem with yahoo mail. I have posted about the problem on the Computerbank Victoria issue tracker.

When his younger brother wasn't being disruptive, he was able to work out how to use SuperTux on his own. At the end their mum thanked everyone, I even got a big kiss on the cheek from her! :)

There were also two teenagers (brother and sister). They were pretty interested in the internet. I didn't notice them having any issues accessing different kinds of media.

The last person wanted to know how to get Sinhalese language support going for web pages. We were not able to work this one out until after he had left*.

All in all...the training went really well. I enjoyed the session a lot. I think all the participants did too!

*For those looking for the answer... it turns out you need to add "si," at the start of the intl.accept_languages option from the about:config page. Type about:config in the url location bar. Thanks BK for that info. I plan to ring/email through this info next week. Another one for the issue tracker (temp knowledge base). :)

Friday, April 14, 2006

Quick roadtrip to Adelaide

Dashed across to Adelaide to pick up some laptops for Computerbank. Caught up with the folks from ITShare in the Adelaide Hills. Really nice place to work from. Really friendly people. Thanks for the laptops. :)

Highlight of the trip was diving in Ewens Ponds. Ewens Ponds is near Mt Gambier. It's crystal clear, just like being in air. The underwater garden is magnificent. Highly recommended. No snaps from me. :( See for some info. A google image search will also bring up some cool pics.

Hmm...yep...I should have posted this ages ago. Adelaide road trip was two weeks ago!