To give you an idea I've taken a photo of the rubbish from one exchange - plastic wrappers, a leaflet, paper toweling, catheter cap and the dialysis bag itself. The box contains 4 bags, I go through one of these a day.
Before it can be disposed the dialysis bag has to be emptied. Lucky for me, my partner Greg does most of the bag slashing, he uses the fluid on the garden.
Further rubbish comes from other supplies such as gauze, cleaning sticks and bottles of antibacterial wash, avagard and saline. At least the boxes and some of the bottles can be recycled. I might be able to get the plastic recycled by the good folks at Australian Composite Technology (Computerbank recycles computer plastics with ACT). If you have any other ideas please drop me a line.
I agree, you do get skilled in the art of what do to with empty cardboard boxes lol