Ho hum, four times a day and getting really boring. But now I've got it down to a fine art.
Quick How To:
Prepare fluid bag (use heater and timer to get it right)
Reveal catheter
Wash Hands with antibacterial scrub
Dry with paper towel
Avagard bench area
Use avagard on hands
Open fluid bag
Prepare the lines
Mix solution
Avagard hands again
Take off plastic seal
Open line
Take off own catheter cap
Make the connection
Open white clamp
Open own clamp
Drain for 10ish min
Close own clamp
Open blue clamp for 5 secs/Close white clamp (clears the line of air bubbles)
Check for air
Open own clamp
Drain in for 10ish mins
Close blue clamp
Close own clamp
Avagard again
Disconnect from line
Open PD cap
Replace PD cap
Weigh everything
Do paperwork
Clean up (lots of mess and rubbish generated)
The whole process takes about 30ish minutes and will depend on how much fluid I have to drain out. I usually ultrafiltrate, which means I produce more fluid out than was put in. One time while doing this I forgot to mix in the glucose. On that occasion I absorbed heaps of the fluid. I'm not sure what it means, I'll ask the nurse when she calls.
So much plastic rubbish is generated at each exchange but at least the waste fluids can go onto the garden. Speaking of which...time to go and do some bag slashing. :)
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